14 de marzo de 2012

Anonymous gets documented at #SXSW

The film titled "We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists", is directed by Brian Knappenberger and features commentary by Gabriella Coleman, an anthropologist who researches Anonymous. The documentary chronicling the rise of Anonymous has premiered at SXSW in Austin, Texas.

"The support has been wild and extensive, which we can see registered with the Guy Fawkes iconography spreading everywhere during OWS or earlier with the Paypal boycott day on Twitter. I think Anonymous has garnered a lot of attention, some of it negative but a lot of it quite positive."
 "I think there are a ton of supporters. Some become participants, others remain fascinated spectators" Coleman told Death and Taxes Magazine in a interview.

☛ El artículo completo original de Anonops lo puedes ver aquí

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