13 de mayo de 2023

Windows 10 22H1 systems will be upgraded to 22H2 automatically

Microsoft's Windows 10 version 22H1 operating system reaches end of servicing in June 2023. To ensure that devices continue to receive security updates, Microsoft announced that these devices will be updated to the latest feature update for Windows 10 automatically.

In other words: Microsoft will install Windows 10 version 22H2 automatically and without first getting user consent on devices running Windows 10 version 22H1.

windows 10 version 22h2 update

The company writes on the Message Center: "To help keep you protected and productive, Windows Update will automatically initiate a feature update for Windows 10 consumer devices and non-managed business devices that are at, or within several months of, reaching end of servicing."

Windows 10 administrators of Windows 10 version 22H1 devices have only a say regarding the required restart of the system to complete the update to version 22H2.

The update to Windows 10 version 22H2 happens automatically, unless Windows administrators have configured the system to block these kind of updates. Microsoft notes that the forced update applies only to Home and non-managed systems running the Windows 10 operating system.

The update to Windows 10 version 22H2 is the final update of its kind for Windows 10. Microsoft announced that it won't release additional feature updates for its Windows 10 operating system anymore. The operating system itself reaches end of servicing in October 2025.

Microsoft suggests in the message that customers may also consider upgrading to Windows 11, provided that the Windows 10 device is compatible with Microsoft's newest version of Windows.

Windows 10 users may check the installed version of the operating system by opening the Start Menu, typing winver and selecting the result. A small program window opens that displays the version of the operating system and its build number.

Another option that users have is to select Start > Settings to launch the Settings app, and to switch to System > About. The version of the operating system and other information is displayed on the page that opens.

Most Windows 10 version 22H1 devices should upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10 without any issues. The final feature update for Windows 10 was small in size and it will install quickly on devices running the previous version.

There is no need to rush the upgrade to Windows 11, provided that the device is compatible, unless features of Windows 11 are beneficial in some way or another. Not everything in Windows 11 is better automatically when compared to Windows 10 though, and Microsoft is dipping its toe into advertising some of its other services on Windows 11, which some users do not like at all.

Now You: which version of Windows do you run, if any?

Thank you for being a Ghacks reader. The post Windows 10 22H1 systems will be upgraded to 22H2 automatically appeared first on gHacks Technology News.

☞ El artículo completo original de Martin Brinkmann lo puedes ver aquí

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